We are also excited to announce that the second townhall for membership to provide feedback to the Governance & Bylaws Committee will be held at 1:30pm EST on Thursday, February 6th, 2025.
No registration is needed. All you will need to access the meeting is the Teams link, as found in your Listserv emails from "AUECO Communications" under the subject line: UPDATE: AUECO Townhall Rescheduled for 2/06/2025
At this meeting, representatives of the Governance & Bylaws Committee will be presenting proposed revisions to AUECO's bylaws that they have been working on thus far. The Bylaws Committee will also seek input from membership on these revisions, as well as try to answer any outstanding questions members may have.
You can access the current version of the AUECO Bylaws by logging into the AUECO Website and navigating to the following location:
Members Area --> Bylaws and Incorporation --> "AUECO Bylaws - Current Version (March 2024).
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© 2024 Association of University Export Control Officers