

Wednesday, 05/08, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

1 hour

Hannover III

Full Schedule


Taylor Rayburn

Assistant Center Export Administrator

NASA Ames Research Center

Torrey Truszkowski

Assistant Director, Research Security and Export Control

Brown University

About this session

In this session, we will discuss the structure of space-related export controls and NASA's export control program. We will discuss the history of U.S. export controls covering satellites, spacecraft, and related items, including both unilateral and multilateral contributions to the current control lists, and how to navigate them. WE will also provide a brief overview of NASA's Export Compliance Program. Using a case study, we will talk about how the Fundamental Research Exemption interacts with NASA-funded research, including use of controlled inputs into Fundamental Research. Participants will leave the session with an understanding of why space export controls seem confusing and how to navigate them and the questions to ask when a NASA-funded project next crosses our desks.

Jointly hosted by NC State University and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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